When it rains, it pours.
Mostly when I forget to
bring my umbrella.

Today, I will go
to the beach. Tomorrow, how
about snowboarding?

Mom, you disfigured
yourself to bear me. Enjoy
this two-dollar card.

Springtime: when young men
turn to thoughts of fancy. And
also thoughts of boobs.

I woke to the sun
shining on a world you will
never truly leave.

-In Memory of Alison Barbara Bloch

Thank you for your friendship

Millions of people
On monster.com searching:
my dreams, they are dust.

Two presidents born
in February? Quick, give
the kids a week off!

There's no link between
cell phones and brain cancer. But
we can still have hope.

Massachusetts gone
GOP? Don't blame me; I
vote in Ohio.

The bus will be at
its latest when the windchill
is seven below.

The Bible says the
Antichrist will first be well-
loved. Sorry, Leno.

The best way to get
to know a person is to
get them liquored up.

Muscle memory:
Thinking about my vacay
at Miami Beach.

Lipo would be more
awesome if I could eat ice
cream while getting it.

Lifting cookies to
mouth burns calories, right? I
need to join a gym.